Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where I'm Coming From

A few scenes and thoughts from my current place in Athens, Alabama.

Hair Mechanics & Bujinkan Martial Arts
There is a large open field behind this establishment. I had hoped to see people doing handless cartwheels and slicing through blocks of ice with their bare hands. The students of Bujinkan must need more room than the small building to practice their art. I have never seen anyone go into this building. And do the Hair Mechanics specialize in 1950s greaser styles?

Yesterdays Welcomes the Destined

A View from beside the front porch
When Mike and I moved into the Mouse House (a nickname Dad gave it, because it is very small and cozy), I imagined myself soaking in the summer from the front porch. With a glass of sweating iced tea in my hand, I'd muse about life and write stories and poems at a steady pace. Not so. I started working 2 days after we moved in, and since I work the night shift I rarely have a chance to enjoy the sun.

Another goal of ours was to beautify the outside of the house by planting lots of flowers. These sunflowers are the only ones that made it into the ground. They've gotten so tall, but no flowers yet. I hope they bloom before we leave.

The Shed at Sunset
The grass was dry and cracked beneath our feet for most of the summer. And then last week, with only 3 days of rain, the grass shot up to nearly 2 feet in height. The neighbors had been eyeing our private jungle, wondering when we were going to mow it. Mike spent 2 hours on the lawn mower, and now the yard is full of large grass clumps. We're going to have to rake the excess grass away, and probably trim the yard again, before we have our giant Moving to Alaska yardsale in two weeks.

* Thanks to Mike for the pictures of Hair Mechanics/ Bujinkan Martial Arts and Yeterdays.*

1 comment:

Wayfarer Scientista said...

Hello there! I'm a former Fairbanksan and still live in state. I just found your blog. I wanted to recommend the book "Two in the Far North" by Margret Murrie to your list of must reads for Alaska. Marty is a local hero & also the first woman to graduate from your soon to be University! Also, feel free to pick my brain on Alaskan questions you might have.