Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gerbils and Why I Am In Love

(e-mail conversation with Mike, during my shift working the night audit at the hotel)

Me: oh so cute animal!!

Mike: Is that one of the famous bloodthirsty snow-gerbils?

Me: oooooooooooo. bloodthirsty snow gerbils???? I had not heard of these!!!!!!1

Mike: Ah, yes. Alaska is famous for them. Just look at this completely unretouched photo of one taken right after it massacred a large family of orphans.


Mike: In case you couldn't tell, that's blood all over its mouth!

Me: OH MY GOODNESS!!! Absolute #1 on my To Do In Fairbanks List: SEE DEADLY SNOW GERBIL!!!!! :D

UPDATE: Not a snow gerbil, but a pika. Thank you Theresa!


Theresa said...

Good luck on your move to Fairbanks. I'm glad you're already on the lookout for pikas. Don't let those cute little faces fool you. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Look me up when you come to town.

Theresa said...

PS I saw your question about toyos on Mary's blog. It's a type of stove used for heating smallish spaces like cabins. Very common in Alaska. They use heating oil, usually delivered to your place by a fuel truck and stored in a fuel tank somewhere near the structure. This is fun. Like a treasure hunt.