Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dorms vs. Cabins

I got a letter yesterday from UAF Residence Life. It's pretty ambiguous.

Dear Jennifer:

We now have your completed application on file for Student Family, Graduate & Non-Traditional Housing at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Your name is being placed on our waiting list for Fall 2007.

You will be notified as soon as we are able to offer you an apartment in Student Housing.

BARG. I was really hoping for a clear answer. Although this letter does not state it, I am assuming Mike and I have been accepted as a Financially Interdependent couple. Hopefully, we'll get moved from the Waiting List to the Send Us Your Money List.

Mike and I both want to try living in a cabin, but we won't have a car in Alaska and I'm a bit scared of going last minute cabin shopping. I can see Mike searching through dingy cabins while I'm at TAship training all day, with our money being eaten up by a hotel. Not a good way to start the year.

But if it does come to that, it won't be the end of the world. After all, Alaska is all about new experiences.

UAF Cabin Life, Part 1
UAF Cabin Life, Part 2


Mary said...

Hey, that's my friend Melissa! Cabin life is not so bad, but I can understand your worries about finding a place when you get up here. If you can't get into student housing, try contact the MFA program and ask if they know of any couches you can crash on while doing a housing search. You can check the classifieds on www.newsminer.com, and feel free to contact me if you need to know if a place is in a sketchy area or what the different acronyms mean.

subarctic mama said...

When you're looking in the paper the Iniakuk Drive/Army Road/Reed Circle area is within 1 mile of the campus and is an easy walk to school. I had no car my first winter here and lived there.