Saturday, September 1, 2007

We made it!

Mike took this picture just a moment before we stepped onto our first Alaska Airlines flight. At midnight tonight we will have been in Alaska for a week.

We've had interesting and exhausting adventures in trying to find a place to stay. An hour ago we dropped off our suitcases at our new apartment, and we're about to ride our bikes down to Fred Meyer. We need to get the funk out of the fridge and scrub down the bathroom, but I think it will be a good place to live.


Theresa said...

Welcome to Alaska. I hope the funk gets scared away by all those Fred Meyer cleaning supplies. Ain't Fairbanks grand?

Jenni Moody said...

Hi Theresa!

We've left the fridge doors open for several hours with a clip-on fan blowing away the funk. (The fridge is unplugged at the moment). It smells so much better. Or rather, it doesn't smell at all which is awesome.

Fred Meyer rocks. I'm so glad we're living close to one.

Fairbanks has been great so far. I'm sure I will appreciate and enjoy it even more now that we're somewhat settled.

Lisabeth and Jeff said...

hi jenni,
welcome to alaska!
i will look forward to reading about your first chilly winter here. we too are newbies heading into our second winter- transplanted from colorado. we are down here in the "valley". look us up if you make it down this way.

subarctic mama said...

Belated welcome. Hope it's been good so far. Maybe I've seen you at Fred Meyer without knowing it.

Jenni Moody said...

Hi lisabeth!

Thanks for stopping by! :). Wow, Colorado! I would love to visit there as well.


Jenni Moody said...

Hi Nicole!

Thank you for the welcome! We usually go to Fred Meyer on Tuesdays...if you see us please say hi! If I think I recognize you, I'll say hi, too. :)
